Nau Academic Integrity Policy

Nau Academic Integrity Policy. Grade point average (gpa) student institutional excuses. Academic dishonesty and recommend penalties to the department chair and/or dean in keeping with the severity of the violation.

Integrity is expected of every member of the nau community in all academic undertakings. Clearer instructions on collaborations with office of student life. Faculty are also required to uphold the standards of academic integrity;

Clearer Instructions On Collaborations With Office Of Student Life.

Definitions of violations revised and combined with examples. The following information is for students earning healthcare degrees, as well as chhs faculty, that explains the guidelines of our academic integrity policy. If the grade appeal is based on an allegation or finding of an academic integrity violation, then the student must follow the academic integrity policy procedures,.

The Primary Attributes Of Academic Integrity Are Honesty, Trustworthiness, Fairness, And Responsibility.

The primary attributes of academic integrity are honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, and responsibility. As members of the academic community, nau’s administration, faculty, staff and students are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the education process. Nau policy 100601 academic integrity overview of changes 1.

Grade Point Average (Gpa) Student Institutional Excuses.

Integrity is expected of every student within the nau community in all academic undertakings, regardless of venue (including but not limited to: Issues that fall under the purview of nau’s office of equity and access ; In every appeal, the burden of proof rests upon the student to show reason why an appeal should be heard.

Reformatted To Match University Policies Template.

Unless a student successfully appeals a sanction for an academic integrity policy violation, the dean's office will maintain a record of the incident and the sanction(s). Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values, and the values most essential to an academic community are grounded in honesty with respect to all intellectual efforts of oneself and others. Academic integrity is expected not only in formal coursework.

We Have Compiled The List Of Policies Below As Some Of The Most Relevant To Your Experience As A Student At Northern Arizona University.

Faculty are governed by the policies and procedures outlined in the nau faculty handbook. Responsibilities for faculty, academic administrators, and students are clarified. Academic dishonesty and recommend penalties to the department chair and/or dean in keeping with the severity of the violation.